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Friday, 20 November 2020


1.4  Algorithm: An algorithm is a method of representing step by step logical procedure for solving a particular task

1. Write an algorithm to add two numbers

Step1: start

Step2: declare a, b

Step2: read a, b values

Step3: display a+b

Step4: stop

2. Write an algorithm to find average of six subjects

Step1: start

Step2: declare tel, hin, eng, mat, sc, cs, tot, avg

Step3: read subject marks tel, hin, eng, mat, sc, cs

Step4: tot = tel+hin+eng+mat+sc+cs

Step5: avg = tot / 6

Step6: display avg

Step7: stop

3.Write an algorithm to find the largest between two different numbers entered by user.

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Declare variables a,b

Step 3: Read variables a,b

Step 4: If a>b

    Display a is the largest number.


    Display b is the largest number.

.Step 5: Stop

4.Write an algorithm to print n natural numbers

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Declare variables i , num

Step 3: i=1

Step 4: Read the value for num

Step 5: if(i<num) then

Display i value

i = i+1

Step 6: if(i<num) go to Step 5 else goto step 7

Step 7: Stop

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